Interlibrary Loan

ASL’s Interlibrary loan (ILL) unit will borrow materials upon request from other libraries on behalf of eligible patrons.

Borrower Eligibility

The Arkansas State Library provides direct interlibrary loan services to:

  • Full-time, permanent Arkansas state government employees with work-related requests; and
  • Public, college, university, and special libraries.

Members of the public, school librarians, or students may borrow materials from ASL’s collections by initiating an interlibrary loan request at their own local public, academic or special library.

Making Requests

Interlibrary loan (ILL) requests can be made in person, over the phone, or online using the respective forms for state government employees and OCLC member libraries.

Public, college, university, and special libraries may request materials via OCLC, ALA forms, telephone, mail, or fax in addition to the online form.

Please indicate in an ILL request whether an item is needed in a hurry. Articles and materials that can be scanned are provided quickly; books usually take longer to obtain due to USPS deliveries.