Agency Liaisons

Communication between the Arkansas State Library (ASL) and each state agency, board, commission and state-supported educational institution is often necessary concerning the deposit of documents.

To facilitate these requests and for the convenience of both the state agency, board, commission or state supported educational institution, the Arkansas State Library asks agency directors to designate a liaison who serves as the primary contact for their institution to the State Documents Depository.

Designating an Agency Liaison

Choice of a liaison should be based on convenience to the agency. An agency may choose to designate more than one liaison to represent an individual division, department or unit.

Liaisons should be familiar with an agency’s organization and the publications it produces.

To designate a liaison between your agency and the Arkansas State Library, complete the Agency Liaison Contact Form and submit via email to [email protected]. If a change in the Agency Liaison occurs, notify ASL immediately.

Completed forms may also be mailed to:

  • Arkansas State Library
  • State Publications Depository & Clearinghouse
  • 900 W. Capitol, Suite 100
  • Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

Liaison Training

Orientation sessions and training can be arranged for liaisons upon request. Contact Lanette Meyer to arrange a session.

Duties of the Agency Liaison

Typical communications include questions on which documents to deposit, how many copies of a title to send, or to answer questions concerning the historical background of a specific title.

A Liaison may establish a network of other staff within an agency to assist with identifying and sending publications to ASL.

  • Send print copies of documents to ASL
  • Send files for digital document to ASL staff, and the URL where published
  • Ensure required certification and submissions forms are completed by appropriate staff
  • Contact ASL staff with questions about whether certain materials should be sent to the depository
  • Assist ASL staff with referrals when questions need to be asked of experts in their agency
  • Respond to claims for missing copies or titles, and resolve any issues concerning the status of a specific title such as discrepancies in frequency or title changes, etc

For more information or assistance, contact: