FDLP Access Policies

In accordance to the current Legal Requirements and Program Regulations established by the Government Publishing Office (GPO) for the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), the Arkansas State Library provides free public access to all materials in the Federal Documents Program.

The Federal Documents Collections is physically accessible by the public. Public access computers and WiFi are available onsite for accessing digital documents. Microfiche readers are available onsite for viewing federal documents in that format.

Local Public Access to Federal Documents

To support the use of the Federal Documents Collection:

  • Federal documents in all formats are fully cataloged, including digital materials, and are searchable from the library’s online catalog. The Arkansas State Library contracts with Marcive’s Bibliographic Service for its federal documents records.
  • Microfiche does not circulate, but digital or print copies may be requested from the Information Services unit. Microfiche readers are available onsite for patron use.
  • Federal documents in other formats, including CD-ROM and other software, for which the library can no longer support onsite access, circulate according to normal lending periods.
  • Reference and interlibrary loan service is available via online form, and by phone or in person during hours of operation.

Circulation Policies

Federal publications circulate within the state of Arkansas, with the exception of reference materials and older, fragile materials.

Other Regional Federal Depository Libraries may request to borrow materials from the ASL Federal Documents Collection, but prior approval must be granted by the Library Coordinator of Federal Documents.


For more information about the FDLP or ASL’s Federal Documents Collection, contact:

  • Wendy Etchison
  • Library Coordinator, Federal Documents
  • [email protected] or (501) 682-2868