Arkansas State Library Board

The State Library Board was established by Arkansas Act 489 of 1979, replacing the Arkansas Library Commission. The makeup of the Board, the conduct of its meetings, and other related matters are enumerated in A.C.A §§ 13-2-205 and 13-2-206.

The board is comprised of seven members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. These members are selected based on their interest in libraries and statewide library development.

One member is appointed from each of the four congressional districts, and three members are selected from the state at large, with no more than two members from any one district.

Each member serves a seven-year term and may serve no more than two consecutive full terms. In the event of a vacancy, the Governor will appoint a replacement for the remainder of that member’s term.

Board members receive a per diem for attending meetings and are reimbursed for travel expenses related to board duties.