General FAQ
What is Traveler?
- Traveler is a program where the Arkansas State Library pays to provide a statewide collection of digital resources. The State Library contracts for Traveler resources to run on a three-year subscription cycle.
Who can use Traveler resources?
- Traveler resources are available to all schools, libraries and residents in the state. Arkansas residents can access the collection through the State Library’s Traveler webpage.
How long is the current collection available?
- The subscription for the current titles available in the Traveler collection runs from August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2027.
FAQ from Arkansas Residents
Do I have to register to use the Traveler resources?
- Registration is not required to use the Traveler collection.
- Some content providers, including Pronunciator, may require the creation of an online account in order to enjoy the full functionaliaty of a specific resource.
How do I access Traveler resources?
- The current Traveler resources are accessible from the State Library’s website. Simply enable location services in the web browser before accessing the collection. Check the device’s settings to make sure the web browser has permission to use location services.
- The Arkansas State Library uses geolocation authentication services provided by BiblioBoard to verify that individuals are within the state’s borders when using the Traveler collection. The State Library does not collect or retain any geolocation or IP data.
What should I do if I’m in Arkansas, but get a message saying I’m outside of the state when I try to access Traveler?
- This can happen if people live near the border or use hotspots that can mask their precise location. For assistance with this issue, contact the Traveler administrator, and provide the IP address.
- BiblioBoard’s diagnostic webpage can be used to retrieve an IP address.
What should I do if a Traveler resource asks me to log in?
- While Pronunciator recommends the creation of an individual account to enjoy the full features of the platform, none of the Traveler resources, including ProQuest, World Book, Infobase, and ABC-Clio, require Arkansas residents to log in.
- If prompted to log in, follow these steps:
- Ensure the web broswer’s locations services are enabled.
- Refresh the web browser (typically Ctrl+F5).
- If the problem still persists, clear the browser’s history and cache and then close the browser.
- Reopen the web browser to begin a fresh session.
FAQ from Arkansas Librarians & Educators
How can I provide access to Traveler resources to my school or library?
- Schools and libraries can direct students and patrons to the Traveler webpage for access, or can embed the resource URLs directly on their own institutional webpages. Contact the Traveler administrator for a list of URLs.
- Schools and libraries can also register their campus IP range with the Arkansas State Library if they want to integrate Traveler resources with their own institutional authentication methods.
How can I get Traveler usage statistics for my school or library institution?
- Librarians may register their school or library’s IP address with the Arkansas State Library via online form. The State Library will provide the IP information to the content vendors to generate statistics for that institution.
How can my out-of-state students access the Traveler resources?
- The Traveler program is only available to Arkansas residents. The Arkansas State Library’s contracts with content providers stipulate that access is limited to residents, schools and libraries within the state.
- Remote students living in the surrounding regions, including Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee have access to similar programs provided by their home state. Students should check with their local public library to see what digital resources are available in their area.
Can the Arkansas State Library provide onsite training for staff at my school or library?
- Due to staffing constraints, in-person and live sessions are limited to large conferences and district-wide trainings.
- Training and resource guides, on-demand video tutorials, and recorded sessions are available on the Traveler Resource Guides & Trainings webpage.
- Library and school staff may contact the program administrator with questions about individual Traveler resources.
How do I assign specific eBooks from Traveler to my students?
- Although some vendors, including ProQuest, can generate a persistent URL to a specific title, the link provided will not contain the authentication component required for Arkansas students to access Traveler.
- The best approach is to provide the BiblioBoard link to the specific Traveler resource that contains the eBook, and show students how to search for the title.
FAQ from Content Providers & Vendors
How can I get my product considered for the Traveler collection?
- The Arkansas State Library executes a formal Request for Proposals process every three years to six years to award contracts for the Traveler program.
- For information on the next cycle, or to be directly notified when an RFP process initiates, email the Traveler administrator, Katie Walton, with the product name and vendor contact information.
For more information, please contact:
- Katie Walton
- Manager of Acquisitions
- (501) 682-2266
- [email protected]
The Traveler program is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services to the Arkansas State Library under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.