Active Arkansas state employees of non-education institutions may register for remote access to the State Library’s subscription database collection. Traveler resources are remotely accessible by all Arkansas citizens.
★ Restricted to in-house use only.
Traveler resource.
Art & Literature
Arts & Humanities Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to titles covering art, architecture, design, history, philosophy, music, literature, theatre and cultural studies.
One Literature (ProQuest)
Primary and critical text database for literary research at all levels. Provides full text access to more than 500,000 works of poetry, drama and prose stretching from the 8th century through the present day, including primary resource collections from diverse and modern authors.
Bibliographies, Abstracts & Indexes
Literature citations for journal articles, monographs, proceedings, theses, patents, translations, audiovisual materials, computer software, and technical reports pertaining to all aspects of agriculture. (AGRICultural OnLine Access).
Book Review Digest Retro (EBSCO)
Provides excerpts and citations to book reviews of adult and juvenile fiction and non-fiction.
BooksInPrint (Bowker's)
Bibliographic tool for libraries, booksellers, and publishers which provides information on books, audio books, and videos.
Congressional Publications (ProQuest)
Abstracts and indexing of congressional publications and legislative histories.
ERIC (ProQuest)
Bibliographic index to published and unpublished sources on education.
FirstSearch (OCLC)
Contains the following bibliographic databases: ArticleFirst, Clase & Periodica, eBooks, Electronic Collections Online, ERIC, GPO Monthly Catalog, MEDLINE, OAIster, PapersFirst, Proceedings, WorldCat, and WorldCatDissertations.
Library and Information Science Abstracts (ProQuest)
Abstracts and indexes from 440+ periodicals covering all aspects of librarianship, library users, information retrieval and more.
MEDLINE (ProQuest)
Bibliographic index covering all areas of medicine, including dentistry and nursing. Subjects covered include: clinical medicine, dentistry, education, experimental medicine, health services administration, nursing, nutrition, pathology, psychiatry, toxicology, and veterinary medicine.
NoveList Plus (EBSCO)
NoveList Plus is a comprehensive readers’ advisory resource for fiction and nonfiction. NoveList Plus allows browsing by both genre and audience age level.
Public Library Core Collection: Non-fiction (H. W. Wilson)
Bibliographic and collection development tool geared for public libraries to build and maintain well-rounded collections of reference and non-fiction books for adults.
WorldCat (FirstSearch)
WorldCat is a worldwide catalog of books and other materials in libraries. It contains the bibliographic records as cataloged by OCLC member libraries worldwide, with over 400 languages represented.
Business & Finance
ABI/INFORM Complete (ProQuest)
Provides information on company and market research: company profiles; annual, industry, market & commodity reports. Also includes current business & economic conditions, management techniques & corporate strategies.
Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection (ProQuest)
Information on accounting policies and standards, state and national tax legislation, corporate and individual taxation, compensation and pension plans, and corporate financial management, as well as profiles of accounting firms, CPAs, and management consulting firms.
Asian & European Business Collection (ProQuest)
Provides journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazine sources on business and finance topics across Asia and Europe.
Business Expert Press (BEP)
Business Expert Press provides access to over 950 recently published eBooks covering topics such as economics, finance, HR management, public relations, entrepreneurship, marketing, and business ethics. There is no limit to the number of times each title can be downloaded or printed.
Business Market Research Collection (ProQuest)
Provides access to Hoover's Company Profiles, OxResearch, Barens' US and Worldwide Industry & Market Reports, and Snapshots.
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to a variety of publications covering Canadian issues.
One Business (ProQuest)
One Business is designed to support the unique needs of business professionals including entrepreneurs, accountants, tax professionals, and academic faculty and students. This newly upgraded platform provides access to the ProQuest Entrepreneurship and Business Market Research collections, as well as JPMORGAN, Business eBooks, and Business Video.
Plunkett Research
Contains industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics, covering health care, financial services, retailing, entertainment, energy and information technology. Includes access to various industry publications, including Automobiles & Trucks Industry Almanac; Biotechnology, Drugs & Genetics Industry Almanac; Chemicals, Coatings & Plastics Almanac; Engineering & Research Industry Almanac; Manufacturing & Robotics Industry Almanac and Transportation, Supply Chain & Logistics Industry Almanac.
USATrade Online
Access current and cumulative U.S. export and import data for over 18,000 export commodities and 24,000 import commodities. USA Trade Online provides trade statistics using the Harmonized System (HS) up to the 10-digit level and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) commodity classification codes up to the 6-digit level. Now free to all users with creation of user account.
Educator Resources
Education Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to education publications covering primary, secondary, higher, special, adult, and home education.
ERIC (ProQuest)
Bibliographic index to published and unpublished sources on education.
NoveList Plus (EBSCO)
NoveList Plus is a comprehensive readers’ advisory resource for fiction and nonfiction. NoveList Plus allows browsing by both genre and audience age level.
Research Companion (ProQuest)
Designed to help students find, evaluate, and use information to conduct more effective research. Includes tools to assist educators in teaching information literacy to students.
School Library Connection (Libraries Unlimited)
Learning resource center for school library professionals. Includes self-paced professional learning and curriculum resources to support teaching and professional development. Funding provided by Arkansas Department of Education.
Fisheries & Wildlife Ecology
BioOne Complete
Provides full-text access to over 200 high quality, subscription and open-access titles focused in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences; including Auk, Condor, Copeia, Journal of Field Ornithology, Journal of Herpetology, Journal of Parisitology, Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Natural Areas Journal, Southeastern Naturalist, Southwestern Naturalist, Waterbirds, Wetlands, and Wildlife Biology.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Management (NRC Research Press)
Covers all aspects of the multidisciplinary field of aquatic sciences. Coverage: 1996 to present.
Conservation Biology (Wiley)
Content covers key issues contributing to the science and practice of conserving Earth’s biological diversity. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Ecological Applications (Wiley)
Features papers that develop scientific principles to support environmental decision-making, as well as papers that discuss the application of ecological concepts to environmental issues, policy, and management. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Ecology (Wiley)
Published articles report on the basic elements of ecological research. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish (Wiley)
Journal publishes original contributions on all aspects of fish ecology in freshwater environments, including lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and streams. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Fisheries (Wiley)
Features peer-reviewed technical articles on all aspects of aquatic resource-related subjects, as well as professional issues, new ideas and approaches, education, economics, administration, and law. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Fisheries Management and Ecology (Wiley)
Peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of the management, ecology and conservation of inland, estuarine and coastal fisheries. Coverage: 2014 to present.
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (Taylor & Francis)
Devoted to the study of social considerations in fisheries and wildlife management. Coverage: 1998 to present.
Journal of of Aquatic Animal Health (Wiley)
Contains research papers on the causes, effects, treatments, and prevention of diseases of marine and freshwater organisms, particularly fish and shellfish. In addition, it contains papers that describe biochemical and physiological investigations into fish health that relate to assessing the impacts of both environmental and pathogenic features. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Journal of Drone Systems and Applications (NRC Research Press)
Features developments in the emerging field of unmanned vehicle systems: remotely controlled machines used for aerial, terrestrial, and aquatic systems; and their sensors. Previously titled Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems prior to 2022. Coverage: 2013 to present.
Journal of Field Ornithology (Wiley)
Features original articles emphasizing the descriptive or experimental study of birds in their natural habitats. Coverage: 2006 – 2021.
Journal of Freshwater Ecology (Taylor & Francis)
Open access, peer-reviewed journal covering the field of aquatic ecology of freshwater systems, including physiological, population, community, and ecosystem ecology as well as biogeochemistry and ecohydrology of all types of freshwater systems including lentic, lotic, hyporheic and wetland systems. Coverage: 1997 – current; open access.
Journal of Mammalogy (Oxford University Press)
Features original research on all aspects of the biology of mammals, including mammalian behavior, conservation, ecology, genetics, morphology, physiology, and taxonomy. Coverage: 1996 to present.
Journal of Medical Entomology (Oxford University Press)
Reports on all phases of medical entomology and medical acarology, including the systematics and biology of insects, acarines, and other arthropods of public health and veterinary significance. Coverage: 1996 to present.
North American Journal of Aquaculture (Wiley)
The journal carries papers on new research and practical experience in all areas of intensive and extensive fish culture. Coverage: 1997 to present.
North American Journal of Fisheries Management (Wiley)
The journal addresses the maintenance, enhancement, and allocation of fisheries resources. Its contents chronicle the development of practical monitoring and management programs for finfish and exploitable shellfish in marine and freshwater environments. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Restoration Ecology (Wiley)
Features original papers on experimental, observational, and theoretical studies on terrestrial, marine, and freshwater systems. Coverage: Current plus four years rolling backfile.
River Research and Applications (Wiley)
Features original scientific and technical papers on biological, ecological, geomorphological, hydrological, engineering and geographical aspects related to rivers in both the developed and developing world. Coverage: Current plus four years rolling backfile.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (Wiley)
Features results of basic and applied research in genetics, physiology, biology, ecology, population dynamics, economics, health, culture, and other topics germane to marine and freshwater finfish and shellfish and their respective fisheries and environments. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Wetlands: Journal of Society of Wetland Scientists (Springer)
International journal concerned with all aspects of wetlands biology, ecology, hydrology, water chemistry, soil and sediment characteristics, management, education, legislation, cultural, sociology, and regulations. Coverage: 1997 to present.
African American Heritage (ProQuest)
Provides access to federal census, marriage and cohabitation records, military draft and service records, registers of slaves and free(d) persons of color, Freedman's Bank, and more. **ASL staff does not conduct or assist with genealogical research**
Ancestry Library Edition (ProQuest) ★
Provides access to genealogical resources from the United States: vital, marriage and military records; U.S & federal censuses, the Social Security Death Index, ship records and passenger lists, and more. Limited coverage for Canada and UK records. **ASL staff does not conduct or assist with genealogical research**
HeritageQuest Online (ProQuest)
Provides access to Census records and maps, local histories, city directories, slave schedules, Revolutionary War era pension & bounty-land warrant applications, Freedman's Bank, and more. **ASL staff does not conduct or assist with genealogical research**
General Research
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
Full-text access to multi-disciplinary journals and periodicals, and indexing and abstracts to additional journals and other publications. The database features content as far as 1887, with the majority of full-text content in searchable format.
Oxford English Dictionary
An unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. The OED provides etymological analysis of words, variant spellings, and demonstrates pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
ProQuest Central
Unified search interface that allows searching across all ProQuest databases subscribed to by the Traveler program at once.
Research Library (ProQuest)
Full-text access to a multi-disciplinary collection of journals covering a wide range of subjects.
eBook Central (ProQuest)
Full-text collection of over 100 non-fiction eBooks.
Government Resources: Arkansas
Arkansas Attorney General Opinions (HeinOnline)
Provides access to attorney general reports and opinions. Coverage begins in 1877.
Arkansas Political & Legal History (HeinOnline)
Provides access to a curated collection about the state’s history and development; covers the legal, historical, social, geographic, and economic makeup through historical and current texts.
Arkansas Session Laws (HeinOnline)
Provides access to the Acts of Arkansas.
Arkansas State Constitutions (HeinOnline) Provides resources for researching Arkansas’s constitutional history, from its territorial days up through the present day. Includes each constitutions’ original text, amendments, consolidated texts, and editorialized annotations.
Arkansas State Reports (HeinOnline)
Provides access to published court reports, including the historical Arkansas Reports, as well as the ongoing Arkansas Cases and Arkansas Appellate Reports.
Arkansas State Statutes (HeinOnline)
Provides historical access to Arkansas’ statutes.
Government Resources: United States Federal
Code of Federal Regulations (HeinOnline)
Comprehensive coverage of all volumes since inception in 1938.
Congressional Publications (ProQuest)
Abstracts and indexing of congressional publications and legislative histories.
Digital National Security Archive (ProQuest)
Provides access to declassified primary source government documents from 1945 to the present. Curated collections cover U.S. policy during critical world events, and include military, intelligence, diplomatic, and human rights issues.
Federal Register Library (HeinOnline)
Comprehensive coverage since inception (1936). Also includes the CFR from inception (1938), Official US Bulletin (1917-1919), United States Government Manual from inception (1935), and Daily and Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents from inception (1965). Updated daily.
Foreign Relations of the United States (HeinOnline)
Provides an official historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. Comprised of 600+ books beginning with Abraham Lincoln's administration in 1861 through the administration of Jimmy Carter in 1980.
GAO Reports and Comptroller General Decisions (HeinOnline)
Provides access to Government Accountability Office (GAO) Reports and Comptroller General Decisions; contains reports on audits, surveys, investigations, and evaluations of federal programs. Contains all published reports, testimonies, correspondence, and special publications, including GAO Comptroller General decisions and opinions in areas of federal law such as appropriations, bid protests, and federal agency rulemaking.
History of Supreme Court Nominations (HeinOnline)
Provides access to the complete print series Supreme Court of the U.S. Hearings and Reports on Successful and Unsuccessful Nominations of Supreme Court Justices by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Includes the ability to browse by Justice.
Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S. (HeinOnline)
Compilation of major historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States; includes current hearings, debates, and recent developments in immigration law.
Intellectual Property Law Collection (HeinOnline)
Provides comprehensive coverage to the official patent and trademark gazettes and indexes. Also includes legislative histories, treatises, documents, and other publications relating to copyrights, patents, and trademarks.
Law Library of Congress Reports (HeinOnline)
Collection of over 3,000 reports on foreign, comparative, and international law in response to requests from Members of Congress, Congressional staff and committees, the federal courts, executive branch agencies, and others. Selected reports are provided for the public for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice.
Military and Government (HeinOnline)
Contains thousands of diverse publications related to the history, glory, and administration of the America’s military from the American Revolution up to the War on Terror. Content focuses on the function of the federal government in administrating the armed forces, the armed forces’ structural changes over time, and the issues confronting service personnel both on and off the battlefield.
National Survey of State Laws (HeinOnline)
Database version of Rich Leiter's National Survey of State Laws; provides an overall view of some of the most sought-after and controversial legal topics in the United States. Includes access to 5th through 9th editions. All print editions are included in fully searchable image-based formats.
NCDC Climate Data Online (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
National Climatic Data Center's (NCDC) archive of global historical weather and climate data and station history information; includes quality controlled daily, monthly, seasonal, and yearly measurements of temperature, precipitation, wind, and degree days as well as radar data and 30-year Climate Normals.
Pentagon Papers (HeinOnline)
Provides access to United States – Vietnam Relations, 1945-1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense. Covers the United States' political-military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967 from the perspective of the Department of Defense.
Reports of U.S. Presidential Commissions and Other Advisory Bodies (HeinOnline)
Current and comprehensive list of publications created by presidential advisory bodies. Includes bibliographic citations and some full-text linking.
State Statutes: A Historical Archive (HeinOnline)
Includes superseded state statutes for all fifty states. Search the statutes by state, date, description and text. Coverage goes back until 1717.
U.S. Attorney General & Department of Justice Collection (HeinOnline)
Includes the official reports and opinions of the U.S. Attorney General (both the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States as well as the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice). Also includes guides, handbooks, hearings, and other materials related to the study of criminal justice in the United States.
U.S. Code (HeinOnline)
Includes complete coverage of the United States Code dating back to inception in 1925-1926. Also includes the Early Federal Laws Collection, which represents the most complete collection of federal statute compilations prior to the US Code.
U.S. Congressional Documents (HeinOnline)
Includes complete Congressional Record Bound version, plus daily version from 1980 to present. Provides access to predecessor titles: Annals of Congress (1789-1824), Register of Debates (1824-1837) Congressional Globe (1833-1873), and Congressional Hearings (early 1900s-present), and other important congressional material. Provides cross navigation between Daily edition and Bound volume.
U.S. Congressional Serial Set (HeinOnline)
Indexed from inception to date and currently contains comprehensive full-text coverage from 1978 to present. Additional historical coverage will be phased in over time.
U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals (HeinOnline)
Complete collection of the official case law of some of the United States' most important U.S. Federal Agencies such as: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Also includes more than 65 GPO best-selling legal titles.
U.S. Federal Legislative History Library (HeinOnline)
Includes comprehensive federal legislative histories published by U.S. GPO and private publishers, plus a unique finding aid based on Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories; which often includes references to law review articles on-point to a particular legislative history.
U.S. Presidential Impeachment Library (HeinOnline)
Curates a variety of documents both contemporaneous and asynchronous to each president’s impeachment, presenting both a snapshot of the political climate as each played out and the long view history has taken of past proceedings.
U.S. Presidential Library (HeinOnline)
Includes titles such as Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Public Papers of the Presidents, CFR Title 3 (Presidents), Daily and Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, and other documents related to U.S. Presidents.
U.S. Statutes at Large (HeinOnline)
Digital version of the Statutes at Large; includes complete coverage.
U.S. Supreme Court Library (HeinOnline)
Complete coverage of the official U.S. Reports bound volumes as well as preliminary prints, slip opinions, and books and periodicals related to the U.S. Supreme Court are included in this library.
U.S. Treaties and Agreements Library (HeinOnline)
Includes all U.S. treaties, whether currently in-force, expired, or not-yet officially published. Includes such prominent collections as the United States Treaties and Other International Agreements set (commonly referred to as the "Blue set"), as well as famous sets from Bevans, Miller, Malloy and others.
USATrade Online
Access current and cumulative U.S. export and import data for over 18,000 export commodities and 24,000 import commodities. USA Trade Online provides trade statistics using the Harmonized System (HS) up to the 10-digit level and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) commodity classification codes up to the 6-digit level. Now free to all users with creation of user account.
Health & Medicine
Consumer Health Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals and magazines covering health subjects, including women's and children's health, food and nutrition, midwifery, sports injuries, eye care, and dentistry.
COVID-19 in America: Response, Issues, and Law (HeinOnline)
Provides factual information about how COVID-19 has impacted public health, economics, society, and the world. Includes regularly updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) and Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports relevant to the pandemic, as well as a curated list of relevant scholarly articles and external links to supplementary research.
Health & Medical Collection (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals covering clinical and biomedical topics, consumer health, health administration and more.
Healthcare Administration Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals covering all aspects of health administration, including hospitals, insurance, law, health economics, public health administration and more.
Medical Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals covering all clinical and biomedical fields, including physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology, parasitology, pathology, communicable diseases, psychiatry, surgery, gynecology, obstetrics, dermatology, hematology, pediatrics, geriatrics, dentistry, otolaryngology and ophthalmology.
MEDLINE (ProQuest)
Bibliographic index covering all areas of medicine, including dentistry and nursing. Subjects covered include: clinical medicine, dentistry, education, experimental medicine, health services administration, nursing, nutrition, pathology, psychiatry, toxicology, and veterinary medicine.
Nursing & Allied Health Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to healthcare information covering nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and more. Includes abstracts and indexing of additional titles, and full-text dissertations in nursing and related fields.
Psychology Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals and dissertation cover psychology disciplines, including behavioral, clinical, developmental and social psychology; neurology, personality, psychobiology, and psychometrics. Includes abstracts and indexing of additional titles.
Public Health Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to core literature covering all fields of public health, including nutrition and dietetics, population studies, social services and welfare, environmental studies, industrial health and safety, communicable diseases, and more.
History & Historical Sources
The Atlanta Constitution (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1868 – 1984.
Atlanta Daily World (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1931 – 2003.
Chicago Defender (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1910-1975.
Chicago Tribune (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1849 – 1992.
Civil War Era Historical Newspapers (ProQuest)
Provides full access to the following titles: Richmond Dispatch (Virginia), Charleston Mercury (South Carolina), New Orleans Times Picayune (Louisiana), Boston Herald, New York Herald, Columbus State Journal (Ohio), The Kentucky Daily Journal, and the Memphis Daily Appeal. Coverage for newspapers: 1840-1865. Also includes 1,758 pamphlets from 1861-1865.
Detroit Free Press (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1831 – 1999.
Hartford Courant (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1764 – 1989.
HeinOnline Platform
Unified search platform providing access to all HeinOnline resources. Available resources cover government documents, state and federal law and various public policy and social issues.
Historic Map Works: Library Edition (ProQuest)
High quality, full color digital maps, covering cadastral land ownership maps detailing the geographic and development history of the United States over several centuries. Includes contemporaneous pages of illustrations and over 1,000 city directories related to the cadastral maps.
Historical Newspapers Collection (ProQuest)
Provides full-text, searchable access to the Atlanta Constitution (1868-1984), the Atlanta Daily World (1931-2003), the Chicago Defender (1910-1975), the Chicago Tribune (1849-1992), the Detroit Free Press (1831-1999), the Hartford Courant (1764-1985), the Norfolk Journal and Guide (1916-2003), the New York Times with Index (1851-2007), and the Washington Post (1877-1994).
History of International Law (HeinOnline)
Includes hundreds of titles and more than a million pages dating back to 1690 on International Law subjects such as War & Peace, the Nuremberg Trials, Law of the Sea, International Arbitration, Hague Conferences and Conventions and much more.
History Vault: American Politics and Society (ProQuest)
Includes full-text access to the following modules: Thomas A. Edison Papers (1850-1919), Law and Society since the Civil War: American Legal Manuscripts from the Harvard Law School Library (1861-1976), Immigration: Records of the INS (1880-1930), New Deal and World War II: President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Office Files and Records of Federal Agencies (1933-1945), American Politics in the Early Cold War: Truman and Eisenhower Administrations (1945-1961), FBI Confidential Files and Radical Politics in the U.S. (1945-1972), & American Politics and Society from Kennedy to Watergate (1960-1975).
History Vault: Civil Rights and the Black Freedom Struggle (ProQuest)
Includes full-text access to the following modules: Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Federal Government Records; and the NAACP Papers: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns–Education, Voting, Housing, Employment, Armed Forces.
History Vault: Southern Life, Slavery and the Civil War (ProQuest)
Includes full-text access to the following modules: Slavery and the Law, Southern Life and African American History: Plantations Records 1775-1915 parts 1 & 2, and Confederate Military Manuscripts and REcords of Union Generals and the Union Army 1854-1870.
John F. Kennedy Assassination Collection (HeinOnline)
Contains the National Archives and Records Administration's complete collection of records on President John F. Kennedy's assassination in HeinOnline's fully searchable, user-friendly format. Also included are books, hearings, other related works, and scholarly articles on this topic.
The New York Times with Index (ProQuest)
Provides access to historical editions of The New York Times. Newspaper coverage: 1851 – 2011. Index coverage: 1851 – 1993.
NewspaperARCHIVE – Academic Library Edition (Heritage Archives)
Full-text access to millions of searchable newspaper pages, dating as far back as the 1700s.
Norfolk Journal & Guide (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1916 – 2003.
Pentagon Papers (HeinOnline)
Provides access to United States – Vietnam Relations, 1945-1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense. Covers the United States' political-military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967 from the perspective of the Department of Defense.
Pittsburgh Courier (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1911 – 2002.
Prestatehood Legal Materials (HeinOnline)
Digital format of the print resource Prestatehood Legal Materials: A Fifty-State Research Guide, including New York City and the District of Columbia. Includes brief overviews of state histories from colonization to statehood, and identifies a wide range of relevant materials from each state.
Sanborn Digital Maps (ProQuest)
Contains 660,000+ digitized large-scale maps of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. The collection includes all maps submitted to the Library of Congress through copyright deposit and a set of maps transferred to the Library from the Bureau of the Census. Coverage: 1867-1970
Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline)
Provides access to statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1874-1922.
The Washington Post (ProQuest)
Provides access to historical editions of The Washington Post. Coverage: 1877 – 1998.
International Resources
Asian & European Business Collection (ProQuest)
Provides journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazine sources on business and finance topics across Asia and Europe.
Australia & New Zealand Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to academics journals published in Australia and New Zealand, covering business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to a variety of publications covering Canadian issues.
Canadian Newsstream (ProQuest)
Full-text access to Canadian newspapers, including archived content.
Continental Europe Database (ProQuest)
Provides access to full-text academic journals locally published in European countries such as France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal.
East Europe, Central Europe Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to academic journals from local educational institutions in East European and Central European countries, covering business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
East & South Asia Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to academic journals from local educational institutions in many East Asian and South Asian countries, covering business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
Global Breaking Newswires (ProQuest)
Provides timely access to the newswire content from around the globe.
History of International Law (HeinOnline)
Includes hundreds of titles and more than a million pages dating back to 1690 on International Law subjects such as War & Peace, the Nuremberg Trials, Law of the Sea, International Arbitration, Hague Conferences and Conventions and much more.
India Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to multidisciplinary journals published in India, covering business, health & Medicine, history, literature & language, science & technology, social sciences, and the arts.
International Newsstream (ProQuest)
Provides current and archived news content from 660+ international newspapers including The Times (London), The Bangkok Post, El Norte, Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, South China Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, and the Asian Wall Street Journal.
Latin America & Iberia Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to academic journals published by local educational institutions in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal; covers business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and the humanities.
Middle East & Africa Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to academic journals published by local educational institutions in Middle Eastern and African countries, covering business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
Turkey Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to academics journals published in Turkey, covering business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
U.K. & Ireland Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to academics journals published in the U.K. and Ireland, covering business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
World Constitutions Illustrated (HeinOnline)
Includes the current constitution for every country in its original language format and an English translation, as well as substantial constitutional histories for all countries. Includes access to constitutional periodicals, thousands of classic books, other related works such as the World Factbook, links to scholarly articles and online resources, and bibliographic references.
Journals & Periodicals
American Archivist (Society of American Archivists)
American Archivist is the leading publication in the archives field. Published semi-annually by the Society of American Archivists, this peer-reviewed journal covers theoretical and practical developments in the archival profession. Coverage: 1938- present.
Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Wiley)
Bi-monthly magazine covering developments and issues affecting the field, pragmatic management reports, opinion, and news in the information science community.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Management (NRC Research Press)
Covers all aspects of the multidisciplinary field of aquatic sciences. Coverage: 1996 to present.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly (Taylor & Francis)
Serial publication covering all aspects of the cataloging and classification. Coverage: 1997 – present.
Collection Management (Taylor & Francis)
A quarterly journal that presents practical, research-based information about building, administering, preserving, assessing, and organizing library collections. Coverage: 1997 – present.
Conservation Biology (Wiley)
Content covers key issues contributing to the science and practice of conserving Earth’s biological diversity. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Ecological Applications (Wiley)
Features papers that develop scientific principles to support environmental decision-making, as well as papers that discuss the application of ecological concepts to environmental issues, policy, and management. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Ecology (Wiley)
Published articles report on the basic elements of ecological research. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish (Wiley)
Journal publishes original contributions on all aspects of fish ecology in freshwater environments, including lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and streams. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Fisheries (Wiley)
Features peer-reviewed technical articles on all aspects of aquatic resource-related subjects, as well as professional issues, new ideas and approaches, education, economics, administration, and law. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Fisheries Management and Ecology (Wiley)
Peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of the management, ecology and conservation of inland, estuarine and coastal fisheries. Coverage: 2014 to present.
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (Taylor & Francis)
Devoted to the study of social considerations in fisheries and wildlife management. Coverage: 1998 to present.
Information & Culture: a Journal of History (University of Texas Press)
Formally published as Libraries & the Cultural Record. Coverage: 2009 to present.
Internet Reference Services Quarterly (Taylor & Francis)
A refereed journal covering research and practical information about all aspects of reference librarianship in the digital age. Includes studies and articles on technology related to the delivery of library user services, including reference, research consultation, instruction, information literacy, user design and usability, and electronic reference materials and sources. Coverage: 1997 – present.
Journal of of Aquatic Animal Health (Wiley)
Contains research papers on the causes, effects, treatments, and prevention of diseases of marine and freshwater organisms, particularly fish and shellfish. In addition, it contains papers that describe biochemical and physiological investigations into fish health that relate to assessing the impacts of both environmental and pathogenic features. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Journal of Archival Organization (Taylor & Francis)
International journal encompassing all aspects of the arrangement, description, and provision of access to all forms of archival materials, including processing techniques and procedures, preparation of finding aids, and cataloging. Coverage: 2006 – 2013.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Wiley)
Features peer reviewed research on information science. Previously titled Journal of the American Society for Information Science. Coverage: 1986 to present.
Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship (Taylor & Francis)
A refereed journal covering the business information needs of special, academic and public libraries. Coverage: 1997 – Present.
Journal of Drone Systems and Applications (NRC Research Press)
Features developments in the emerging field of unmanned vehicle systems: remotely controlled machines used for aerial, terrestrial, and aquatic systems; and their sensors. Previously titled Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems prior to 2022. Coverage: 2013 to present.
Journal of Field Ornithology (Wiley)
Features original articles emphasizing the descriptive or experimental study of birds in their natural habitats. Coverage: 2006 – 2021.
Journal of Freshwater Ecology (Taylor & Francis)
Open access, peer-reviewed journal covering the field of aquatic ecology of freshwater systems, including physiological, population, community, and ecosystem ecology as well as biogeochemistry and ecohydrology of all types of freshwater systems including lentic, lotic, hyporheic and wetland systems. Coverage: 1997 – current; open access.
Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve (Taylor & Francis)
Contributes to the advancement of library resource sharing by featuring the trials, research, and innovations of librarians and library professionals, both local and international. Coverage: 2006 – 2015.
Journal of Mammalogy (Oxford University Press)
Features original research on all aspects of the biology of mammals, including mammalian behavior, conservation, ecology, genetics, morphology, physiology, and taxonomy. Coverage: 1996 to present.
Journal of Medical Entomology (Oxford University Press)
Reports on all phases of medical entomology and medical acarology, including the systematics and biology of insects, acarines, and other arthropods of public health and veterinary significance. Coverage: 1996 to present.
Law Journal Library (HeinOnline)
Provides access to over 2,600 law and law-related periodicals. Subjects covered include criminal justice, political science, technology, human rights, and more.
North American Journal of Aquaculture (Wiley)
The journal carries papers on new research and practical experience in all areas of intensive and extensive fish culture. Coverage: 1997 to present.
North American Journal of Fisheries Management (Wiley)
The journal addresses the maintenance, enhancement, and allocation of fisheries resources. Its contents chronicle the development of practical monitoring and management programs for finfish and exploitable shellfish in marine and freshwater environments. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Wiley)
Conference proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
Public Library Quarterly (Taylor & Francis)
Peer-reviewed journal for library managers and directors covering best practices and models to improve service of public libraries. Includes case studies, planning for desired outcomes, marketing, budget and financial analysis, technology implementation and children's programming. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Public Services Quarterly (Taylor & Francis)
Peer-reviewed journal including articles and case studies covering public service issues and strategies in academic libraries. Includes reference and research assistance, information literacy instruction, access and delivery services, and other services to patrons. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Reference Librarian (Taylor & Francis)
Serial covering all aspects of the reference process, including traditional considerations and new trends, electronic tools and resources, best practices in instruction and reference service, analysis of service marketing, and efficacy studies. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Restoration Ecology (Wiley)
Features original papers on experimental, observational, and theoretical studies on terrestrial, marine, and freshwater systems. Coverage: Current plus four years rolling backfile.
River Research and Applications (Wiley)
Features original scientific and technical papers on biological, ecological, geomorphological, hydrological, engineering and geographical aspects related to rivers in both the developed and developing world. Coverage: Current plus four years rolling backfile.
The Serials Librarian (Taylor & Francis)
A journal focusing on all aspects of the management of electronic and print serials and other subscription resources. Coverage: 1997 – present.
Serials Review (Taylor & Francis)
A quarterly, peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of serials management, including format, publishing models, statistical studies, collection analysis, collaborative efforts, reference and access issues, as well as cataloging and acquisitions. Coverage: 1997 – present.
State and Local Government Review (Sage)
A quarterly, peer-reviewed journal covering best practices of state and local government politics, policy, and management, with a strong focus on state and local governments and the exploration of intergovernmental dimensions of public-sector activity. Coverage: 2014 to present.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (Wiley)
Features results of basic and applied research in genetics, physiology, biology, ecology, population dynamics, economics, health, culture, and other topics germane to marine and freshwater finfish and shellfish and their respective fisheries and environments. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Wetlands: Journal of Society of Wetland Scientists (Springer)
International journal concerned with all aspects of wetlands biology, ecology, hydrology, water chemistry, soil and sediment characteristics, management, education, legislation, cultural, sociology, and regulations. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Linguistics Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals and other sources covering all aspects of linguistics, including many titles indexed in Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA).
Pronunicator is a language learning platform with step-by-step lesson plans for 163 languages, ESL courses for 146 native languages, American Sign Language courses, and classes for children. First time users are encouraged to create a profile in order to take full advantage of this resource.
Law & Legal Resources
Criminal Justice & Criminology (HeinOnline)
Prvoides a historical overview of the ever-changing discipline of criminal justice and its evolution in American and English law. Includes Bureau of Justice statistics, memoirs of retired Scotland Yard investigators, congressional hearings on drug control policies, historical accounts of prison life, government documents, rare pamphlets, memoirs, and books written by ordinary law enforcement officers and criminals. Content accessible by subject area: Attorney General, Crimes and Criminals, Criminal Statistics, Criminology, Drug Enforcement, Government Law, Investigation and Forensics, Juvenile Justice, Law and Procedure, Law Enforcement, Organized Crime, Penology, Reform and Recidivism, Reminiscences, Sex Crimes, and Victimology.
HeinOnline Platform
Unified search platform providing access to all HeinOnline resources. Available resources cover government documents, state and federal law and various public policy and social issues.
History of Capital Punishment (HeinOnline)
Provides access to the Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection: A Descriptive Bibliography, which represents more than 50 years of expert and extensive research on this subject. Also included are hundreds of additional related publications, such as hearings, trials, periodicals, and more.
History of International Law (HeinOnline)
Includes hundreds of titles and more than a million pages dating back to 1690 on International Law subjects such as War & Peace, the Nuremberg Trials, Law of the Sea, International Arbitration, Hague Conferences and Conventions and much more.
Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S. (HeinOnline)
Compilation of major historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States; includes current hearings, debates, and recent developments in immigration law.
Intellectual Property Law Collection (HeinOnline)
Provides comprehensive coverage to the official patent and trademark gazettes and indexes. Also includes legislative histories, treatises, documents, and other publications relating to copyrights, patents, and trademarks.
Law Journal Library (HeinOnline)
Provides access to over 2,600 law and law-related periodicals. Subjects covered include criminal justice, political science, technology, human rights, and more.
Law Library of Congress Reports (HeinOnline)
Collection of over 3,000 reports on foreign, comparative, and international law in response to requests from Members of Congress, Congressional staff and committees, the federal courts, executive branch agencies, and others. Selected reports are provided for the public for reference purposes only and do not constitute legal advice.
Legal Classics (HeinOnline)
Includes thousands of works from some of the greatest legal minds in history including Joseph Story, Jeremy Bentham, William Blackstone, William Holdsworth, Henry Maine, Federick William Maitland, Frederick Pollock, and Benjamin N. Cardozo. Includes rare items found in only a handful of libraries around the world.
LegalForms (Gale)
Provides access to official, Arkansas specific, federal, business, personal, real estate and other forms covering hundreds of legal subjects and issues. Includes forms drafted by attorneys for specific legal matters, from public records and from participating companies and attorneys.
Lexis Advance (LexisNexis)★
Online library of state and federal primary law with access to cases, statutes, Shepard’s citations, newspapers, and law review articles. Additionally, The News and Business database offers access to a variety of full-text English and foreign language newspapers from around the world. Coverage varies by title.
Military Legal Resources: U.S. Army JAG School (HeinOnline)
Exhaustive collection of current and historical military legal documents and resources for judge advocates, law school professors, and members of the general public interested in military law.
Prestatehood Legal Materials (HeinOnline)
Digital format of the print resource Prestatehood Legal Materials: A Fifty-State Research Guide, including New York City and the District of Columbia. Includes brief overviews of state histories from colonization to statehood, and identifies a wide range of relevant materials from each state.
Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline)
Provides access to statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery.
U.S. Federal Legislative History Library (HeinOnline)
Includes comprehensive federal legislative histories published by U.S. GPO and private publishers, plus a unique finding aid based on Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories; which often includes references to law review articles on-point to a particular legislative history.
U.S. Statutes at Large (HeinOnline)
Digital version of the Statutes at Large; includes complete coverage.
U.S. Supreme Court Library (HeinOnline)
Complete coverage of the official U.S. Reports bound volumes as well as preliminary prints, slip opinions, and books and periodicals related to the U.S. Supreme Court are included in this library.
Library & Information Science
American Archivist (Society of American Archivists)
American Archivist is the leading publication in the archives field. Published semi-annually by the Society of American Archivists, this peer-reviewed journal covers theoretical and practical developments in the archival profession. Coverage: 1938- present.
Association of Research Libraries' Digital Publications (ARL)
Access includes current issues of ARL’s journal Research Library Issues and copies of ARL’s past publications including SPEC Kits, ARL Annual Salary Survey, and ARL Statistics.
Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Wiley)
Bi-monthly magazine covering developments and issues affecting the field, pragmatic management reports, opinion, and news in the information science community.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly (Taylor & Francis)
Serial publication covering all aspects of the cataloging and classification. Coverage: 1997 – present.
Collection Management (Taylor & Francis)
A quarterly journal that presents practical, research-based information about building, administering, preserving, assessing, and organizing library collections. Coverage: 1997 – present.
Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, 4th Edition (Taylor & Francis)
The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, comprising of seven volumes, now in its fourth edition, compiles the contributions of major researchers and practitioners and explore3s the cultural institutions of more than 30 countries. This major reference presents over 550 entries extensively reviewed for accuracy.
Internet Reference Services Quarterly (Taylor & Francis)
A refereed journal covering research and practical information about all aspects of reference librarianship in the digital age. Includes studies and articles on technology related to the delivery of library user services, including reference, research consultation, instruction, information literacy, user design and usability, and electronic reference materials and sources. Coverage: 1997 – present.
Journal of Archival Organization (Taylor & Francis)
International journal encompassing all aspects of the arrangement, description, and provision of access to all forms of archival materials, including processing techniques and procedures, preparation of finding aids, and cataloging. Coverage: 2006 – 2013.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Wiley)
Features peer reviewed research on information science. Previously titled Journal of the American Society for Information Science. Coverage: 1986 to present.
Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship (Taylor & Francis)
A refereed journal covering the business information needs of special, academic and public libraries. Coverage: 1997 – Present.
Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve (Taylor & Francis)
Contributes to the advancement of library resource sharing by featuring the trials, research, and innovations of librarians and library professionals, both local and international. Coverage: 2006 – 2015.
Library and Information Science Abstracts (ProQuest)
Abstracts and indexes from 440+ periodicals covering all aspects of librarianship, library users, information retrieval and more.
Library Science Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals covering all aspects of library and information science, including many titles cited by LISA: American Libraries, Collection Building, Reference & User Services Quarterly, Technical Communication Quarterly, School Libraries Worldwide, and Portal: Libraries and the Academy.
NoveList Plus (EBSCO)
NoveList Plus is a comprehensive readers’ advisory resource for fiction and nonfiction. NoveList Plus allows browsing by both genre and audience age level.
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Wiley)
Conference proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
Public Library Core Collection: Non-fiction (H. W. Wilson)
Bibliographic and collection development tool geared for public libraries to build and maintain well-rounded collections of reference and non-fiction books for adults.
Public Library Quarterly (Taylor & Francis)
Peer-reviewed journal for library managers and directors covering best practices and models to improve service of public libraries. Includes case studies, planning for desired outcomes, marketing, budget and financial analysis, technology implementation and children's programming. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Public Services Quarterly (Taylor & Francis)
Peer-reviewed journal including articles and case studies covering public service issues and strategies in academic libraries. Includes reference and research assistance, information literacy instruction, access and delivery services, and other services to patrons. Coverage: 1997 to present.
Reference Librarian (Taylor & Francis)
Serial covering all aspects of the reference process, including traditional considerations and new trends, electronic tools and resources, best practices in instruction and reference service, analysis of service marketing, and efficacy studies. Coverage: 1997 to present.
School Library Connection (Libraries Unlimited)
Learning resource center for school library professionals. Includes self-paced professional learning and curriculum resources to support teaching and professional development. Funding provided by Arkansas Department of Education.
The Serials Librarian (Taylor & Francis)
A journal focusing on all aspects of the management of electronic and print serials and other subscription resources. Coverage: 1997 – present.
Serials Review (Taylor & Francis)
A quarterly, peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of serials management, including format, publishing models, statistical studies, collection analysis, collaborative efforts, reference and access issues, as well as cataloging and acquisitions. Coverage: 1997 – present.
Historic Map Works: Library Edition (ProQuest)
High quality, full color digital maps, covering cadastral land ownership maps detailing the geographic and development history of the United States over several centuries. Includes contemporaneous pages of illustrations and over 1,000 city directories related to the cadastral maps.
Sanborn Digital Maps (ProQuest)
Contains 660,000+ digitized large-scale maps of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. The collection includes all maps submitted to the Library of Congress through copyright deposit and a set of maps transferred to the Library from the Bureau of the Census. Coverage: 1867-1970
Military & Law Enforcement
Criminal Justice & Criminology (HeinOnline)
Prvoides a historical overview of the ever-changing discipline of criminal justice and its evolution in American and English law. Includes Bureau of Justice statistics, memoirs of retired Scotland Yard investigators, congressional hearings on drug control policies, historical accounts of prison life, government documents, rare pamphlets, memoirs, and books written by ordinary law enforcement officers and criminals. Content accessible by subject area: Attorney General, Crimes and Criminals, Criminal Statistics, Criminology, Drug Enforcement, Government Law, Investigation and Forensics, Juvenile Justice, Law and Procedure, Law Enforcement, Organized Crime, Penology, Reform and Recidivism, Reminiscences, Sex Crimes, and Victimology.
Criminal Justice Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to a variety of publications covering topics of crime.
Digital National Security Archive (ProQuest)
Provides access to declassified primary source government documents from 1945 to the present. Curated collections cover U.S. policy during critical world events, and include military, intelligence, diplomatic, and human rights issues.
History of Capital Punishment (HeinOnline)
Provides access to the Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection: A Descriptive Bibliography, which represents more than 50 years of expert and extensive research on this subject. Also included are hundreds of additional related publications, such as hearings, trials, periodicals, and more.
Military Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals and publications covering topics across all government and military branches: international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering and more.
Military and Government (HeinOnline)
Contains thousands of diverse publications related to the history, glory, and administration of the America’s military from the American Revolution up to the War on Terror. Content focuses on the function of the federal government in administrating the armed forces, the armed forces’ structural changes over time, and the issues confronting service personnel both on and off the battlefield.
Military Legal Resources: U.S. Army JAG School (HeinOnline)
Exhaustive collection of current and historical military legal documents and resources for judge advocates, law school professors, and members of the general public interested in military law.
Newspapers & Magazines
Access World News Research Collection (NewsBank)
Explore and stay informed on local, national, and international topics, people and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources from around the world to around the corner, including the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
Alt-Press Watch (ProQuest)
Includes access to full-text newspapers and magazines from independent presses as an alternative source to mainstream media perspectives.
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Collection (NewsBank)
Explore Little Rock history through local news, events, and people with The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Coverage: 1994 to present.
Arkansas state employees may access the paper offsite by registering for remote access; public access is available onsite at the library.
Arkansas News Sources (NewsBank)
Full-text access to current and archived Arkansas news sources, including print and online newspapers, blogs, journals, newswires, broadcast transcripts and videos. Includes access to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette archives.
The Atlanta Constitution (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1868 – 1984.
Atlanta Daily World (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1931 – 2003.
Canadian Newsstream (ProQuest)
Full-text access to Canadian newspapers, including archived content.
Chicago Defender (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1910-1975.
Chicago Tribune (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1849 – 1992.
Civil War Era Historical Newspapers (ProQuest)
Provides full access to the following titles: Richmond Dispatch (Virginia), Charleston Mercury (South Carolina), New Orleans Times Picayune (Louisiana), Boston Herald, New York Herald, Columbus State Journal (Ohio), The Kentucky Daily Journal, and the Memphis Daily Appeal. Coverage for newspapers: 1840-1865. Also includes 1,758 pamphlets from 1861-1865.
Detroit Free Press (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1831 – 1999.
Education Magazine Archive (ProQuest)
Offers digital access to the archives of 26 leading education trade magazines of the 20th century. The collection includes articles from both general and subject-specific publications covering topics such as the history of education, educational leadership, early learning, higher education, vocational education, independent schools, and distance learning.
Ethnic NewsWatch (ProQuest)
Full-text access to current journals, magazines, and newspapers from ethnic and independent presses. Coverage: 1990-present.
Hartford Courant (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1764 – 1989.
Historical Newspapers Collection (ProQuest)
Provides full-text, searchable access to the Atlanta Constitution (1868-1984), the Atlanta Daily World (1931-2003), the Chicago Defender (1910-1975), the Chicago Tribune (1849-1992), the Detroit Free Press (1831-1999), the Hartford Courant (1764-1985), the Norfolk Journal and Guide (1916-2003), the New York Times with Index (1851-2007), and the Washington Post (1877-1994).
International Newsstream (ProQuest)
Provides current and archived news content from 660+ international newspapers including The Times (London), The Bangkok Post, El Norte, Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, South China Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, and the Asian Wall Street Journal.
The New York Times with Index (ProQuest)
Provides access to historical editions of The New York Times. Newspaper coverage: 1851 – 2011. Index coverage: 1851 – 1993.
NewspaperARCHIVE – Academic Library Edition (Heritage Archives)
Full-text access to millions of searchable newspaper pages, dating as far back as the 1700s.
Norfolk Journal & Guide (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1916 – 2003.
Pittsburgh Courier (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1911 – 2002.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (ProQuest)
Full page and article digital reproductions, with searchable full-text. Coverage: 1874-1922.
U.S. Newsstream (ProQuest)
Full-text access to current and archived U.S. news content, including newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites. Coverage: 1980 to present.
The Washington Post (ProQuest)
Provides access to historical editions of The Washington Post. Coverage: 1877 – 1998.
Public Policy, Advocacy, & Interest Group Resources
American Enterprise Institute (HeinOnline)
Provides full-text access to the publications of the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington DC-based public policy think tank founded in 1938. Publications are accessible by policy area, including economics, foreign and defense policy, society and culture, health care, politics and public opinion, poverty studies, and education.
Brennan Center for Justice Publications (HeinOnline)
The Brennan Center is a nonpartisan law and policy institute that seeks to improve the systems of democracy and justice in the United States by focusing on a wide range of issues: voting rights, campaign finance reform, racial justice in criminal law, and Constitutional protection in the fight against terrorism. Publications are largely written by attorneys, and extensively peer-reviewed by scholars and legal practitioners.
Civil Rights and Social Justice (HeinOnline)
Provides a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States as legal protections and definitions are expanded to cover increasingly more Americans. Contains government sources like hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on the landmark legislations, CRS and GAO reports, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights as well as curated non-government sources like scholarly articles, a collection of books, and a list of prominent civil rights organizations.
COVID-19 in America: Response, Issues, and Law (HeinOnline)
Provides factual information about how COVID-19 has impacted public health, economics, society, and the world. Includes regularly updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) and Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports relevant to the pandemic, as well as a curated list of relevant scholarly articles and external links to supplementary research.
CQ Researcher Plus Archive (SAGE)
Provides access to in-depth, authoritative reports on a full range of political and social-policy issues extending back to 1923. Each report is footnoted and includes an overview, background section, chronology, bibliography and debate-style pro-con feature, plus tools to study the evolution of the topic over time.
Executive Privilege (HeinOnline)
Provides primary and secondary government sources from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as law review articles and books exploring instances of executive privilege from the country’s founding to the present day. Collection compiled by Maxwell Anderson, a graduate of University of Nebraska College of Law.
Gun Regulation and Legislation in America (HeinOnline)
Provides access to a curated collection of essential periodicals, compiled legislative histories, CRS reports, Congressional hearings, United States Supreme Court briefs, monographs, and other related materials on the difficult and controversial topic of regulating firearms in the United States.
HeinOnline Platform
Unified search platform providing access to all HeinOnline resources. Available resources cover government documents, state and federal law and various public policy and social issues.
History of Capital Punishment (HeinOnline)
Provides access to the Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection: A Descriptive Bibliography, which represents more than 50 years of expert and extensive research on this subject. Also included are hundreds of additional related publications, such as hearings, trials, periodicals, and more.
Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S. (HeinOnline)
Compilation of major historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States; includes current hearings, debates, and recent developments in immigration law.
Women and the Law (HeinOnline)
Unique collection compilings books, biographies and periodicals dedicated to the role of women in society and the law over the past 200 years. Also includes more than 70 titles from Emory University Law School's Feminism and Legal Theory Project which studies the effect of law and culture on the female gender.
Science & Technology
Agricultural & Environmental Science Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to a variety of journals, environmental impact statements, and bibliographic records from Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (ESPM).
BBC Horizon Video Collection (ProQuest)
Includes comprehensive run of the BBC Horizon television series from 2009-2023. The acclaimed show explores a broad range of topics including astronomy, physics, math, and the environment and makes science accessible and engaging to students.
BBC Landmark Video Collection (ProQuest)
Access ground-breaking, high-definition nature series such as Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Big Cats, and Dynasties.
Biology Science Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals covering a wide range of biology topics: biochemistry, biophysics, botany, cytology, environmental studies, histology, microbiology, microscopy, and zoology.
BioOne Complete
Provides full-text access to over 200 high quality, subscription and open-access titles focused in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences; including Auk, Condor, Copeia, Journal of Field Ornithology, Journal of Herpetology, Journal of Parisitology, Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Natural Areas Journal, Southeastern Naturalist, Southwestern Naturalist, Waterbirds, Wetlands, and Wildlife Biology.
Computer Science Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to articles covering a range of topics: computer science, information systems, computer security, database design, software development, web commerce: LANs, WANs, intranets, and the Internet.
Full-text access to a variety of publications focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment.
NCDC Climate Data Online (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
National Climatic Data Center's (NCDC) archive of global historical weather and climate data and station history information; includes quality controlled daily, monthly, seasonal, and yearly measurements of temperature, precipitation, wind, and degree days as well as radar data and 30-year Climate Normals.
Science Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals covering applied and general sciences. Subject coverage includes physics, engineering, astronomy, biology, earth science, chemistry, and more.
STEM Database (ProQuest)
Contains full-text journals and popular science magazines supporting research and instruction in science, technology, engineering, and math. Contains resources for students and educators at multiple grade levels.
Telecommunications Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to publications covering telecommunications, including computer applications, data communications and data transmission systems, electronic data processing, information science and information theory, and radio, television and wireless communications.
Social Sciences
Political Science Database (ProQuest)
Provides abstracts and indexing to political science and international relations journals, including full-text access to core titles. Also includes full-text doctoral dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, country profiles, political news and other sources.
Psychology Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals and dissertation cover psychology disciplines, including behavioral, clinical, developmental and social psychology; neurology, personality, psychobiology, and psychometrics. Includes abstracts and indexing of additional titles.
Religion and the Law (HeinOnline)
Contains thousands of unique titles and more than a million pages, including books, periodicals, and bibliographies. Supports the research of the development, history, organization, and fundamental principles of various world religions. Includes the Christian Legal Society publications, an assortment of Canon Law, and rare historical bibles.
Religion Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals and publications covering formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of many, worldwide religions.
Social Science Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to journals and publications covering sociology, social work, anthropology, politics and related fields.
Sociology Database (ProQuest)
Full-text coverage of many core titles indexed in Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts (SASSA). Includes full-text doctoral dissertations on sociology.
USATrade Online
Access current and cumulative U.S. export and import data for over 18,000 export commodities and 24,000 import commodities. USA Trade Online provides trade statistics using the Harmonized System (HS) up to the 10-digit level and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) commodity classification codes up to the 6-digit level. Now free to all users with creation of user account.
Vocation & Career
Career and Technical Education Database (ProQuest)
Full-text access to over 600 titles covering a variety of vocational topics.
K-12 Student Resources
ABC-Clio Search Platform (ABC-Clio)
Unified search platform for ABC-Clio databases American History and the African American Experience.
African American Experience (ABC-Clio)
Provides student learning modules on African American studies that include biographies, scholarly articles, primary sources, and images.
American History (ABC-Clio)
Surveys American history from the Colonial era to the nation’s rise to eminence as a global superpower and provdies analysis of American political conflict, economic development, and changing culture.
Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta (World Book)
World Book's new comprehensive Spanish database with more than 170, articles, images, and videos designed for native Spanish-speaking researchers and advanced bilingual and ESL students.
BBC Horizon Video Collection (ProQuest)
Includes comprehensive run of the BBC Horizon television series from 2009-2023. The acclaimed show explores a broad range of topics including astronomy, physics, math, and the environment and makes science accessible and engaging to students.
BBC Landmark Video Collection (ProQuest)
Access ground-breaking, high-definition nature series such as Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Big Cats, and Dynasties.
CulturesGrams (ProQuest)
Provides concise, up-to-date cultural content; World, Kids, States, & Provinces editions available.
eLibrary: Academic (ProQuest)
General reference collection of periodical and digital media content specifically tailored for K-12 schools and libraries of all kinds, covering a variety of subjects including business, education, general interest, health, language arts, sciences, social sciences, and many other curriculum-specific subject areas.
eLibrary: Guided Research Interface (ProQuest)
Provides access to eLibrary’s periodical and digital media collection through a user interface specifically designed for student researchers.
History Study Center (ProQuest)
K-12 student resource; collection of primary and secondary sources on global history from ancient times to the present day.
Learning: Literature (ProQuest)
Student resource containing author biographies, contemporary criticism, reviews, and multimedia resources from medieval times to the present.
Research Companion (ProQuest)
Designed to help students find, evaluate, and use information to conduct more effective research. Includes tools to assist educators in teaching information literacy to students.

Provides expertly researched content on core science subjects and in-depth overview essays on key science topic. Includes more than 1600 resources including images, videos, experiments and self-paced learning objects.
SIRS Discoverer (ProQuest)
Student resource providing background and analysis on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political, and global issues. Includes educator tools.
SIRS Issues Researcher (ProQuest)
Student resource providing background and analysis on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political, and global issues. Includes educator tools.
Today’s Science (Infobase)
Includes thousands of original articles written by scientists covering important advances in biology, chemistry, environmental science, space, physics, and technology. Bridges the gap between the science taught in the classroom and the science students read and hear about in the news.
World Book Complete
Portal to World Book products available through the Traveler program: Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta, World Book Advanced,
World Book Discover,
World Book Early World of Learning, World Book eBook Collection, World Book Kids, World Book Student, and World Book Timelines.