Book Club Kits

The Arkansas Center for the Book lends book club kits to book clubs that meet at libraries throughout the state of Arkansas.

The Center maintains a collection of 300 fiction and nonfiction titles.

Titles available are listed in the project’s LibraryThing collection. All titles are tagged by audience level, genre, and the year added to the collection. To browse by desired tag, select the “tag” button from the top menu bar, then select from the available list and LibraryThing will return filtered results.

Borrowing Process

Book clubs must register with the Arkansas Center for the Book; clubs must meet in or be facilitated by an Arkansas library.

  • Registered libraries may borrow book club sets for eight to twelve weeks
  • Book clubs may schedule up to ten titles per calendar year
  • All sets contain at least twelve copies of the title
  • Discussion guides are included when available

Joining the Book Club Lending Program

Currently there is a waiting list for new book clubs to join the program. Contact Karen O’Connell for information on how to join the waiting list.

For more information on the Book Club program, contact:

  • Karen O’Connell
  • Coordinator, Arkansas Center for the Book
  • [email protected] or 501-682-2874