EBSCO’s LearningExpress Library will remain available through the Arkansas State Library’s Traveler Statewide Digital Resources program until June 2024. The State Library initially acquired the resource in June of 2020 through the Institute of Museum and Library Services and funding from the CARES Act (LS-246521-OLS-20).
The Arkansas Department of Education is extending the original one-year subscription with funds from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Grant Program. The ESSER Grant Program, part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, provides funds to help local education agencies respond to changes in student needs due to COVID-19 (CARES Act, Section 18003).
LearningExpress Library is available to all Arkansans. The broad array of online resources benefits students who are preparing to enter the workforce or attend college for the first time, as well as unemployed Arkansans seeking to reenter the workforce, and anyone desiring to develop workplace skills or to investigate a career change.
LearningExpress Library includes interactive modules for college and high school core competencies, computer skills advancement, standardized test preparation, and career certification exam preparation. Standardized test preparation modules cover the ACT®, SAT®, GRE®, GMAT®, LSAT®, MCAT®, as well as ACCUPLACER, ASSET, CLEP, and high school equivalency degrees.
The Job Skills and Career Accelerator provides career match guidance, information on occupations, resume builders, a job search portal, and tutorials on topics such as interviewing, networking and writing cover letters. Also included are exam preparation materials in a variety of career fields, including nursing and allied health, social work, cosmetology, commercial driving, law enforcement, military, teaching, real estate, and many others.
The Traveler program provides Arkansans with free access to an online collection of reputable, high-quality digital resources including academic and professional journals, learning platforms, and magazines, newspapers and periodicals.
The Traveler collection includes materials suitable for research by audiences at every level, from early childhood education to post-graduate studies. No library card or registration is required, and all resources are accessible from the Arkansas State Library website.