Arkansas State Employees gain access to BioOne’s Complete Archive

Arkansas State Employees now have access to BioOne’s Complete Archive.

Spanning more than 20 years of biological, environmental, and ecological research, the BioOne Complete Archive secures perpetual platform access to content from more than 100 independent society publishers representing specialized scientific communities.

BioOne Complete provides full-text access to over 200 high quality, subscription and open-access titles focused in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences- including Auk, Condor, Copeia, Journal of Field Ornithology, Journal of Herpetology, Journal of Parasitology, Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Natural Areas Journal, Southeastern Naturalist, Southwestern Naturalist, Waterbirds, Wetlands, and Wildlife Biology. The Archive extends coverage to these journals as far back as 1996.

State Employees can access BioOne Complete from the State Employee Resources collection

Active Arkansas state government employees working at non-education agencies may register for remote access.