Public Libraries and Jail Partnerships (Webinar)

December 13, presented by Carolyn Kimmel and Liz Vagani

Learn how the San Diego County Library has worked with county jails to provide services to individuals who are incarcerated or re-entering. This presentation serves as a primer to begin this work in your own library system. It features our roadmap for initiating a partnership, and guidance on how to adjust traditional library services for successful outcomes.

We’ll also discuss SDCL’s successful initiatives focused on serving individuals who are justice-involved, including our Re-entry Library Card initiative and our early literacy classes for incarcerated caregivers. Lastly, tips will be shared on how to advocate for this work in your library setting.

Online Registration

Carolyn Kimmel – Biography

Carolyn Kimmel (she/her/hers) is an Adult Services Librarian with the San Diego County Library. She holds a B.A. in Theatre from Wagner College (NY), and is currently pursuing an MLIS from San Jose State University.

Liz Vagani – Biography

Liz Vagani is a Librarian III at the San Diego County Library. She received a MLIS degree from Wayne State University in 2008. Since then, she has worked at libraries in the Midwest and California. Her wry sense of humor, commitment to irrational optimism, and dedication to inclusive library services have served her well in her current role as Branch Manager/Chief Spinner of Plates in a bustling branch.

The views expressed in webinars provided by PCI do not necessarily reflect the views or official policies of the State of Arkansas, the Arkansas Department of Education, or the Arkansas State Library.