All webinars are held on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Central time, and are hosted via GoToWebinar. Registration is required. Participants must submit a separate registration form for each webinar you are interested in attending. There is no limit to the number of webinars that an individual can attend.
Building On Up: Hands on with DDC Built Numbers
May 4, presented by Alex Kyrios
In this webinar with Alex Kyrios, Senior Editor of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), you’ll review number building techniques before getting hands-on building numbers for a variety of topics, including the tricky builds for literature in the 800s. Working in WebDewey, you’ll learn how to make the most of its built-in number building tool.
The session will cover advanced examples and is well geared towards experienced users, but users of all skill and experience levels are welcome.
Dispelling Neuromyths: Discovering What We Think About Learning May Not Be True
May 11, presented by Lauren Hays
Does your job include training, leading classes, or hosting workshops? If so, then you are engaged in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, it is important to know what research tells us about how people learn in order to develop the best learning experiences for library users.
Unfortunately, many of us engage in the use of neuromyths. Neuromyths are ideas that people have about how the brain works that are false. Neuromyths are pervasive and can cause harm to learners. The presenter will share common neuromyths (i.e. learning styles) and then discuss what research actually tells us about how the brain learns.
Attendees will learn how to:
- Name neuromyths
- Describe harm done by neuromyths
- Identify alternative approaches to commonly applied neuromyths
Cataloging Moving Images (90 Minutes)
May 18, presented by Bobby Bothmann
This session will present the RDA: Resource Description and Access core elements and moving-image-related elements necessary for most commercially available video recordings, including Blu-rays, DVDs, combo-packs, and streaming or digital video. The point of view will be from an original cataloging standpoint with examples following the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.
Participants will be able to apply the RDA instructions specific to moving images, including electronic audio forms and Playaway Views.
Dealing with Change: Using Mindfulness to Respond in Difficult Situations
May 25, presented by Cari Dubiel
Change is all around us, whether we like it or not. Often, change occurs without our control, and we must adapt to difficult situations. Mindfulness can help us stay in the moment and respond appropriately to strong emotions surrounding change.
As a result of this program, participants will:
- Learn to recognize when change is affecting them emotionally
- Be introduced to basic principles of mindfulness tools
- Learn when to use tools in specific change scenarios affecting libraries
- Understand what actions to take when facing change