A Gathering of Friends

Join the quarterly conversation with Friends of the Library members across the state to share ideas, tips, and share your vision for supporting your library in your community. This conversation will be facilitated by Janine Miller, Coordinator of Training & Development for the Arkansas State Library.

This event will be hosted in-person at the Arkansas State Library!

Event Information

Date: Monday, October 10, 2022
Time: 10 AM-2 PM
Registration Deadline: Friday, September 16, 2022
Audience: Friends of the Library members and Library Liaisons to Friends Groups
Location: Arkansas State Library, 900 W. Capitol Ave., Little Rock, AR 72022

Participants must register online.

The Arkansas State Library invites Friends of the Library and Foundation members from across the state to the State Library for our first in-person Gathering of Friends. This meeting will have presenters, celebrate the work of Friends before National Friends of the Library Week October 16-22, 2022, and provide an opportunity for Friends members to have a brochure exchange. Lunch will be provided by the Arkansas State Library for participants.

The meeting will be held on the second floor of the Arkansas State Library in the Bessie Moore Room.

Please contact Janine Miller, [email protected], for more information.