ASL Library Cards & Registration

The Arkansas State Library registers library cards to Arkansas residents and active state government employees.

Library cards are not required to enjoy onsite services at the Arkansas State Library, including reference assistance, public access computers, onsite access to all digital collections, browsing and reading materials from the collections, or using the WiFi.

Arkansas State Government Employees

Active Arkansas state employees working at non-education agencies may register for a library card, which includes remote access to the State Employee Resource online collection of subscription digital resources.

Eligible state employees may register for a library card in person, or online.

Allow 1-2 business days for online applications to be processed for eligibility and approved. Confirmation of approval will be sent to your state email account, and the library mailed to the agency’s physical address. Contact Information Services staff at 501-682-2053 during business hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday with questions about application status or the State Employee Resource collection.

Employees at State-Supported Education Institutions

Employees of Arkansas’ State-Supported Education Institutions, including school and university faculty, are not eligible for remote digital access, as institutional access to Traveler Statewide Resources is provided to schools and libraries.

Employees at State-Supported Education Institutions may apply for a library card in person to borrow materials from the circulating collections.

Arkansas Residents

Residents of Arkansas may apply for a library card with the State Library. Library cards are only needed to borrow materials directly from the library’s circulating collections.

Eligibility Requirements:

Library cards must be applied for in person during normal business hours. Cards to the public will not be issued over the phone or via email.

  • You must be at least 18 years of age;
  • You must present a valid Arkansas Driver’s License or other unexpired, government-issued form of photo ID;
  • You must present a recent utility bill or statement that verifies your current physical address.