ARPA Basics for Library Directors

The Arkansas State Library is hosting virtual meetings to share its plan to distribute ARPA funds with Arkansas public library directors. Each meeting will cover the same content, so there’s no need to attend more than one.

Please note, attendance is limited to Arkansas public libary directors or their chosen designees.

This session takes place April 27, 2021 from 9 am to 10:30 am.Two basic topics will be covered:

  1. The formula for determining the amount of money each library is eligible to receive; and
  2. What types of expenses libraries will be allowed to spend the money on.

Library directors are strongly urged to attend one of the meetings, especially to gain understanding on the limits of how ARPA funds can be spent.

Zoom Information

Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 867 1733 3952
Passcode: ARPA

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Meeting ID: 867 1733 3952
Passcode: 961183